Home of UK Artist Sarah E. Jones

The art of spirit and nature

Sarah E. Jones BA (Hons) Fine Art, DipHE Painting, works in acrylic, mixed media and multi-media. Thematically she is drawn to landscape, seascape, nature and spirit. Elements of the natural world fuse with spiritual themes, reflecting the way that nature and spirit can be perceived as interconnected. She enjoys creating other realms in her work; mixing elements to make innovative portals to other worlds. As Sarah herself says,

 “Anyone can replicate the seen, but few can translate other worlds and realms, or abstract from reality to create mystical worlds.”

Sarah also has a keen interest in the spiritual, and this comes through in her creative practice. Being an intuitive herself (psychic, medium, clairvoyant, claircognisant, clairaudient, clairsentient, healer & animal communicator), she has for many years spent time in that arena. She is also a certified Spiritual Life Coach and holds a Certificate in Psychic Awareness and Healing. 

In 2023. Sarah  brought this part of herself front and centre in her art with her work  ‘The Spirit Room’ - see more below.

To find out more about Sarah's creative practice, please click on the blog tab above  (under ...  )


Exhibition Spotlight: 'The Spirit Room' Summer 2023

Painting, digital film, assemblage & sculpture installation

For this installation, 'The Spirit Room' the elements consisted of assemblage, digital video projection, acrylic paintings and sculpture. This body of work centred around whether our perception can expand beyond the tangible, physical world and what might exist other than this, contemplating mortality and the transmutation of energy. As Sarah says,

"There is a circularity to the work that invites the viewer to see all things as connected, whether physical waves, energy waves or physical objects such as stones or crystals. Three-dimensional work extends the narrative to hint at the associations between tangibility and intangibility".

Following in the footsteps of noted abstract, spiritually-inspired artists such as Georgiana Houghton, Hilma Af Klint and Wassily Kandinsky the work invites the viewer to momentarily enter a contemplative space, and to be immersed in the work in a multi-sensory experience.  An interactive 'postbox to heaven' allowed viewers to interact with the installation (and the artist) by offering their own response.

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